Off-Grade Power Supply DC to AC Inverter, 12 VDC to 120 VAC, Choose Size according to your pump

original price$79.99 sale price$65.00

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  • Model:DCInverter

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Off Grade Power Supply DC to AC Inverter, 12 VDC to 120 VAC, Choose Size according to your pump

We tested and bring this product to the dairy industry, for off-grade farmers, homesteaders, and use as a backup power source for your milker machine if the power supply is not reliable.

Simply connect the inverter to your car battery, and keep the car engine in idle/running, plug in your pump, and start milking like in a household outlet.

Tested: pumps: WVP3. WVP4, and WVP5. Select the pump you have, over powering the pump is OK, but not to overload the inverter.
  • Model:DCInverter
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